Melinda Watts

2 min

5 Fun Ways to Pray with your kids during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Sister Love... Never letting go!

1. Pray Through the Week

Each week, pick a theme with your kids. (It could be a country, a person, or something your children love.) Every day, have a child pray for that theme and allow whoever prays to choose a theme-related activity for you to do together. we've had some fun weeks here recently! Lyric and Honour totally surprised me with the desire to pray for all of their friends.

It was the sweetest thing and hearing them call out their names really touched by heart. I was so proud of them for thinking of others.

2. Go on a Nature Walk

I never realized just how much beauty there was around our little neighborhood until we began taking daily walks during this season of COVID-19. We had to get out of the house and really get some fresh air but there was something happening a little deeper.

The girls were noticing all of the beautiful flowers and even insects along the way.

This opened up the door for me to creatively go into prayer with them.

The next time you go outside, ask your children to point out anything that makes them smile. Take turns thanking God for creating the beauty around you.

Try to enjoy the world through their eyes, together.

3. Make it fun and teach them to count their blessings.

At the end of each day, spend 5-10 minutes talking about a few things that blessed your family. After everyone’s shared, thank God for the good He’s done in your life that day.

Modeling thankfulness for your kids now will help shape the way they remember hard seasons.

4. Pray through Worship Songs

Everything you do can be an act of worship. Pick one of your children’s favorite worship songs and sing it together. Make that song your prayer for the day.

Or, if you or your children are musical, pick a Psalm or the Lord’s Prayer and put it to music! Kids can be really creative and you just never know what they may come up with!

"When prayer is a daily activity that your children look forward to, you help show them that they can talk to God anywhere, at any time, for any reason.

And, by letting go of expectations for what their prayers should look like, you make space for your kids to creatively express themselves to God."


5. Keep it simple.

Prayer for kids should be fun, simple and filled with the confidence of knowing that God will hear their prayers! Keep it simple and consisten.. Your kids will Thank you later!

Have you spent time with your kids in prayer this pandemic? What was the experience like?

Share with me in the comments!

In this together,
